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About Me

My name is Heather McClure and I have been taking photos recreationally for approximately five years.  I started in high school when I was a yearbook staff member.  After that, I began taking senior portraits.  While in college I took a course in photojournalism that sparked my interest even more.

Many people ask why I did not chose photography as a major in college. The truth: I wanted to keep my passion fun.  I wanted to keep my creative edge and enjoy what I was doing. I was worried that if I chose to major in photography, it would lose its excitement for me. It is an outlet for me, and I have every intention of keeping it that way.

Please feel free to browse my albums.  If you would like to contact me with questions in regards to getting prints or having me photograph an event or portraits for you, please feel free to do so.  I spend the majority of the year in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area, but currently spend the summer months in San Luis Obispo County, California.  Please take this into consideration when contacting me for photos!  I greatly enjoy any opportunity to use my camera and would love to work with you!

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